Many web researchers ask online, Can Blended be used as Food Processor?
Many cooks at the beginner level usually make the mistake of thinking that there is no difference between food processors and blenders. These couple of things look similar even have similarities in functions.
However, if you are wondering what can blend be used as a food processor, then let me tell you there are many distinctions between them.
In this article, I will explain to you the difference between both of these devices so you can decide for yourself what you should do in this regard.
Food Processor:
It does not wait to say the food processors are best for savory cooks. These can be versatile actually with different kinds of attachments. For example, chopping, baking, pureeing, slicing, grating, and so on can be used as attachments.
A food processor comes with the attachments of baking jobs such as; whipping and kneading. However, these machines are not able to do a great job like stand mixers. Food processors for 1-2 people require 2 to 20 cup choppers that could be worked in a restaurant kitchen.
The ranger of price can differ from $40 to $700 even with the expensive range including attachments. For example, citrus presses, grinding mills, blender jugs even different sizes of bowls. This makes the food processor machine more versatile in work but it does not mean that you can have more stuff to clean it.
Also, you cannot get more storage space to take up. If you cook big batches on a regular basis then a food processor device can help you by saving you valuable time during preparation.
Nevertheless, if you look for a home appliance to make a quick dip or chop an onion then you can consider having a mini chopper.
Blender Machine:
The main purpose is to use a blender machine to blend liquids. When you start to blend any food ingredients to make it liquid. Moreover, it also creates a vortex and pulls ingredients towards the center that causes you to blend.
A full-sized blender machine is between 8 to 22 inches in height. As for the weight, it can be 4 to 19 pounds. A blender would be the best appliance for you if you want to make smoothies and soups.
Blenders excel at blitzing food ingredients into smoothie’s mixture. Most of the blenders can make dips as well as crush ice. You won’t usually get the slicing option, chop and grate food elements as you want to do with a food processor machine.
However, there are many blender machines designed with additional attachments for grinding nuts and coffee. There are a couple of standing blenders jug blenders that can make large batches.
Mini blenders and one go function can make 1-2 portions at the same time. You can see that the blending cup can be turned into a travel mug. The price of these blenders can be $20 for a minimum and $500 for a maximum analyzing the present market.
You can also consider the stick type or hand type blender machines which are good for quick jobs. These types of blenders are excellent for blending soups and smoothies as a making dip.
However, quick jobs might be tiring when it is held for a long period. The designs of these blenders are compact in look but smaller in size. I tell you again the range of prices can be different depending on whisking attachments and food abilities as well.
Can blended be used as a food processor?
Using a food processor, you can blend soups in small batches. Just be aware of hot liquids. But the final product as well its look won’t be smooth as it would be in a blender. Cruising ice could be accomplished with either tool but the blender must be high in quality so you can get a better result.
How can you use a blender instead of a food processor?
There are many of my readers who ask me this question. The answer is it pends. Also, you can find out a workaround for some dishes while some might get you a good result.
However, if you only have a blender machine, then I’ve some tips for you to get good jobs for a food processor done.
Bread Crumbs:
For bread crumbs, you can use 2 slides of dried bread for maximum. Hence, add a few pieces of the dried bread to the blender.
Turn on the pulse option for 30 seconds till you get a good consistency of this job. If there is no pulse option in your blender, run it for 30 seconds of high speed.
Shredded Cheese:
Take your chef’s knife into 2-inch chunks. Start dicing of the hard cheese to get the shredded cheese. Add them to your blender device and turn on the pulse for 30 seconds to get a good consistency in work.
Using the temperature function in a blender, you can get a few degrees of chopping. Now run your blender on the lowest setting as well as using a temper to cut vegetables. Take the downwards force using a tamper to the vegetables where the blade is.
Baby Food:
If you want to cook foods for your baby then take a cup of fresh vegetables for a maximum in the jar. Use your blender device at a high speed to get a good and smooth mixture.
No need to say that the ice is very essential for adult evening parties. Especially, when girls and boys have night parties at their home.
In this regard, you can have crushed ice by placing around 5-6 ice cubes in the jar. You should set the blender until you get a fine consistent crushed.
Who doesn’t love to have a good pesto? Making pesto at home is far much better than purchasing from a fatty store. To have this, all you need is olive oil around 3-4 cups.
Take cheese about 1.5 cups of basil, ¼ cup of pine nuts and the last one is 3 cloves of garlic.
If you have an industrial blender, then I would like to prescribe you to try this. Because a home using a blender is not suitable for doing this job.
A home blender usually looks slender shape with sharp blades. Therefore, it does not allow the dough to turn on properly to make it rise air permeation.
Expert Suggestions:
- Most of the blenders have 3 levels of speed settings while expensive and luxurious blenders have 6-speed levels. If you look for making pureed food then use your blender at the highest level of speed. On the contrary, to make the chunky type of foods, turn on the lowest setting of speed level.
- There are some blender models available in the market and online stores designed with a tamper stick. It serves a few cups set of ice blades into the jar and many more.
- A blender machine is not able to control a volume similar to a food processor. That is why it is best to use ¼ of the food ingredients as much as you want with a food processor and make the dish in batches.
- If you’re not sure about the setting function, add all of the food ingredients but one by one. Adding all of the ingredients together, you might prevent wastage if things do not go as they should.
Final Thoughts:
Which gadget you want to purchase, it solely depends on what type of jobs you want to do as usual. Also, consider the space and budget. However, you need both of the kitchen appliances if you would like to make a full range of recipes.
Just get a blender, if you just want to deal with smoothies and soups. On the flip side, if you want more like chopping vegetables and many more, get a food processor gadget.
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